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Terrific Turning - Pens for Troops

Updated: Aug 17, 2022

On August 13, 2022, MSWG had a Turn-In to make pens for troops. If you were not there, you missed a great time, and we hope to see you next time.

We had a great time because we were:

  • Giving back to our men and women in service to our country

  • Hanging out and eating donuts

  • Helping new/inexperienced turners learn how to make pens

  • Enjoying the fantastic weather

  • Getting dull tools sharpened by an experienced woodturner

  • Enjoying a sense of pride in making the pens/seeing a task well done

Results of the Day

We hope the following photos encourage you to come to the next MSWG turn-in event!

Reminder, click on the photos to enlarge. Photos can be downloaded.


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