Sunday's Hands-On Class Photos
Three-Legged Stool with Kimberly Winkle on September 22, 2024
Front Row Left to Right - Kimberly Winkle, Kim Erickson, Glen Bascom, Jonas Nemanis
Back Row Left to Right - Barry Barkley, Matt Garner, Mark Manning, Rick Gillespie, Sam Dawson, Jeff Brann, Rick Stone
From one of the attendees: "Kimberly, the instructor, walked us through everything step by step, making it really easy for a beginner like me to follow. By the end of the first day, I understood exactly what to do. During the hands-on part, Rick Gillespie stayed by my side the entire day, helping me with each step along the way and teaching me many techniques and best practices. He is incredibly patient! The kindness and support from everyone really encouraged me as I learn this new craft." Kim Erickson
Saturday's General Meeting
Three-Legged Stool with Kimberly Winkle on September 21, 2024
Below is a PDF of Nick Cook's stool instructions that is similar to Kimberly's stool. It is suggested you download this instruction for future reference.
The milk paint used by Kimberly in the demo and the class was Old-Fashioned Milk Paint.
Instant Gallery Photos 09-21-2024
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President's Challenge Photos 09-21-2024
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